
By GiOnna DiSalvatore July 19, 2018

For the athletes who are reading this, I am sure you have heard this at some point in your playing career. We don’t realize that a lot of things we learn in sport, transition into life. This statement: “Control the Controllables” is the key to internal peace, let me explain why I think that.

In life, you experience all kinds of things that may alter your mood or perspective. In sport, things such as the umpires, fans, the opposing team and weather can all have an effect on our mood… if we let it. You see, those things are out of our control. We cannot tell the umpire to make better calls, we cannot tell the clouds to go away and stop raining, but what we CAN do is control how we respond in those situations. Am I going to let these things make me so mad that I can’t enjoy myself? Am I going to get so worked up that I can’t make adjustments and play a good game? HELL NO.

So, let me share with you the things you can control: Your EFFORT & ATTITUDE. And they go hand in hand. One without the other is like pizza without the sauce, it just doesn’t work (Notice I didn’t say cheese, ya girl doesn’t eat dairy). Effort is defined as “a vigorous or determined attempt.” Be unwavering in your attempt to not let those things effect you. Attitude is defined as “A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something.” Make sure that established way of thinking is positive and if it isn’t, be aware and FLIP IT! After all, how lucky are you to have this opportunity? The ability to play a sport, work, work-out or any other hobby is a privilege! See obstacles as opportunity to GROW!

Mindset is so important. I am not gonna lie, for a while I was very negative and complained a lot. I was too stubborn to change. I thought the world was out to get me. That does not do us any good. We attract what we are. With this approach, the world around us is ugly, we invite ugly minded people into our lives and create unhappy situations all because of our attitude which then effects our effort. NEWS FLASH: Things aren’t always going to go your way. So, decide to make the best of every situation. GOOD VIBES ONLY!

HOW can you be better? Make a conscious effort every single day to get just 1% better. It can be positive self-talk, seeing the good in tougher times, smiling, seeing every obstacle as an opportunity to grow. Growth mindset people! Consistently make that effort! Can you do that for yourself? One minor adjustment each day will get you there. At the end of the day, you are your biggest investment. Tell yourself these things: You got this. I’m proud. Smile. I am grateful. What are you grateful for? Find the simplest pleasures day to day and write them down. The way you see the world will start to change. You are in control of your thoughts so why not make all of your talks with yourself pep talks? Let all the negative stuff roll off your back girlfriend.

I relate a lot of situations to sport because that’s where I have experienced most of my ups and downs. So, whether you are an athlete or not, how you RESPOND to negativity says a lot about you. Do not get upset with PEOPLE or SITUATIONS, both are powerless without your reaction. You are in control of you! Make sure you give this world good energy.

“It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our minds. Learn to see things in the proper light.”

Peace & Love