The Weekly #DRIPDRIP

By GiOnna DiSalvatore August 21, 2018

Hey hustlers! I get a lot of questions on my workouts as far as what I do, what type and how often I do them. I hope sharing my current weekly workout routine will help inspire or give you guys new ideas for your workouts! I do heavy resistance training 4 days a week, circuit training/cardio for 2 and rest for 1. I also started incorporating yoga twice a week at night and man do I feel a difference! My mobility and movements have felt so much smoother so I am able to hit full range of motion pain free! Best decision I have made for myself this month.

I focus on certain body parts on different days (split routine) so I am not always working the same things all the time:

MON: Lower push/pull + high intensity circuit + stair master, bike sprints

TUES: Upper push/pull + high intensity circuit + outdoor running intervals

WED: Conditioning Day: Full body circuit + peloton (cycle) workout + PM Yoga

THURS: Upper push/pull + cardio circuit with outdoor run/row combo

FRI: Lower push/pull + circuit

SAT: Full body circuit OR Peloton ride

SUN: OFF – AM Yoga

There are a few terms I want to explain before I list a sample workout. I break my typical strength day into parts. A warm up/activation series, power, strength and a short (under 15 min) of a high intensity circuit AKA “Beast Mode”. Then I usually will do a some type of cardio.


I love starting my week with legs because they are BY FAR my hardest workouts! And who doesn’t like to start their week kicking their own peach?


Glute banded series 

*My reason for this is to get all the right muscles firing before I load them with heavier weights (Mind Muscle Connection).

Mind muscle connection: Movement is controlled by the brain. Make a conscious effort to fire the muscles you are trying to work instead of just doing the movement. This pre workout burn is meant to get the primary mover (target muscle) to engage efficiently and consistently before jumping into olympic lifts or strength training.


EX: Front squat & BB Reverse lunge

*These should be your heaviest lifts. Depending on the week, my reps and load will change. But it doesn’t get any easier, you just get stronger. At least a 2 min recovery between sets is necessary when lifting for maximal strength.


Ill either do a few supersets (SS) or a circuit that I cycle through for 3-4 rounds; moderate weight, moderate-high reps:

EX: SS (Superset)

Goblet squat

Leg rockets

*I like to combine a strength movement with a plyo (plyometric) or explosive movement

EX: SS (Superset)

DB RDLS (Hamstrings)

Heel elevated goblet squat (Quads)

*I also like to combine movements from the anterior (front of leg) and posterior chain (back of leg). In most cases, muscles on the backside are usually weaker or underdeveloped! Be sure to train both sides to achieve body balance!

EX: Cycle (vertical loading)

Bulgarian squats

Heavy KB swings

KB goblet squat hold (30sec)

Lateral bounds

*strength movements + hold or tempo + explosive movement

TEMPO: I have recently incorporated more tempo movements into my workouts. What this means is that you are creating more time under tension. Making muscles work longer under high tension creates more muscle trauma, leading to muscle growth in response. For example: instead of doing a goblet squat at a normal pace, your eccentric movement (squatting down) will be a 3-4 second count, the bottom portion will be a 1 second hold and the way up should be fast. If your goal is hypertrophy, give this tempo thing a go!


The name “Beast Mode” originated from Beast Athletics but some of you may call it “WOD” or a “Finisher"… The point of it is to push your body at a high intensity now that it is fatigued from the power and strength training. Forcing reps under tension is what is going to make you stronger/better! The KEY here is to maintain PERFECT posture and position and perform at your fastest pace! The combination of the two will get your heart rate up really high which is what you want for this portion of the workout! PS- NEVER EVER compromise form for speed!

CARDIO: (Optional)

When I do cardio I almost ALWAYS do it in high intensity interval fashion and keep it to 30 min or less. The only time I will exceed 30 min is if cardio is my only workout for the day. I like to mix it up as far as what machines I use because ya girl gets bored. These are my go-to’s:

Stair master

Peloton rides or bike sprints

Outdoor/treadmill running intervals

Row machine

Jump rope

*I like to get creative and combine a couple. For example: I will row 400m then run 400m for at least 4 rounds. To make it more fun, grab a friend and perform the opposite and switch!

If you push your body day in and day out, it is SO IMPORTANT to allow recovery time. I’m not gonna lie, I am terrible at taking breaks because I love working out that much. I am still trying to get better. But every 5-6 weeks take a “De-load” week. What does this mean? Lower intensity workouts, lighter loads.. the goal is to: 1. Take a break from heavy shit & 2. Keep your heartrate at 75% or less. This is KEY for longevity! As I stated earlier, I made a promise to myself to focus more on mobility and stretching so I started doing yoga twice a week. It really helps lengthen my overactive muscles and keeps my body mobile as the week progresses.

SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT! A typical week for GiOnna. This does NOT mean you should go do all this or this is how you should train. This is what works for ME and lines up with my goals. I am always in a constant state of design making tweaks here and there to continue to get better. Whatever your goal is: MAKE A PLAN! My goal is to gain muscle and get leaner. Your workouts + NUTRITION will get you to achieve those goals! Don’t forget about recovery and mental health! Our mind, body and soul need to be aligned to truly reach our highest potential self! Believe in YOU! Keep smiling & HUSTLE. Your dreams don’t work unless you do! Much love!
