The Pursuit of Balance

By GiOnna DiSalvatore November 28, 2018

Struggles are sometimes inevitable! But the importance of a struggle is what you choose to struggle for. The helping hand to struggling is balance! Finding a healthy balance between work-life and home-life has been a struggle for me lately. So I’ve been focusing on setting priorities, managing my time wisely, staying focused and developing self-care habits. Those are all benefactors that can support more balance and less overwhelm in this life. So, how do we do this?

Setting Priorities:

  • Take some down time aside from your busy life and really connect with yourself to figure out your true values and decide what will deliver the greatest sense of fulfillment.
  • Journal! Make a list of your short term decisions that will grow your long term goals and dreams for your work and personal life. How do you envision your future?
  • Use your long term list for guidance and structure! Recognize what’s important now, what can wait, and what can be delegated in your available extra time.

Stay Focused:

  • When you are driven by your dreams and goals and you are aligned with your priorities and values, your stress levels will subside when choosing to stay in high spirits and positive energy by staying completely focused.
  • Commit to daily practices to keep your creativity ripe! (Meditation, exercise, cooking, therapeutic outlets, etc.)
  • Keep your mind trained to only engage in high priority tasks! Resist distractions such as invitations that don’t serve your highest functions. Always do something that will make you 1% better than yesterday!
  • Do one thing at a time! Don’t overstimulate your agenda that jeopardizes your confidence.
  • Simplify! Clean out your e-mail inbox, apps, text messages, to-do lists, etc. Clutter is another form of stress. It will subconsciously creep up on you!
  • Essential oils! Citrus scents like lemon and tangerine are uplifting scents that help with focusing and boosts alertness.

Time Management:

  • Time is the most important measure we have as human beings. Time doesn’t make you better, YOU make YOU better by managing your time!
  • Set boundaries! Your time should be occupied by your focus. Your available time should have boundaries to help keep you focused so you can ‘work smart’.
  • Create lists and calendars! Stay organized with the when’s and where’s of your tasks/plans.
  • Focus on high priority tasks, do the low priority tasks when you’re able to delegate where you can, and say ‘no’ to the rest!
  • Quality over quantity! Make sure you do a task correctly the first time so you don’t waste time– work smart, not hard!


Self-care is a high priority for a healthy work-home balance. Being able to manage your life with a healthy practice is vital for success!

  • Sleep! Getting enough rest in between your days is KEY. Not only does it rejuvenate your mind and body, it rejuvenates your cells.
  • Decrease devices! Do yourself a favor and take a break from your computer, iPads, phones, and television. Go outside without your phone, look up to the sky, stretch, breathe, and smile! Fun fact: smiling increases endorphins (the happy neurotransmitters)
  • Personal journaling! Take some time to write out your feelings. Didn’t it feel so good when we wrote in our diaries when we were younger? If you’re feeling nostalgic, get one with a lock and key!
  • Get away! This doesn’t mean getting on a plane to a lavish vacation– It means go take a walk! Go change up your usual scenery. I go for runs/walks along the beach causeway to get away! Remember, new sceneries also trigger creativity for new manifestations besides a fresh breath of air!

Striving to be the best version of Myself is always my goal! The important thing to always remember is when your priorities and goals are in motion, your mind is well organized and you’re able to balance your work and home life more efficiently. Your body will follow your mind while your soul reaches a healthy equilibrium. Once your mind is structured, your discipline will flow with more ease. Your determination will distinguish how much you really value your priorities, and you will be confident in the pursuit of balance!

Balance is the key to everything. What we do, think, say, eat, feel, they all require awareness, and through this awareness we can grow

Peace & Love